Don’t want to get married but want to have all of the fun? Choose a commitment ceremony.

Posted on September 20, 2021 Categories: Uncategorized

The great thing about life is that we have choices and one of them, for whatever reason, is a decision not to get married. But why should you miss out on the celebration?

Choose a commitment ceremony. You can have all of wonderful elements of a wedding ceremony without a legally binding marriage.

You can go for all of the usual wedding traditions exchanging rings, making vows and walking up the aisle. Or let your imagination run away with you. Why not have a theme in your commitment ceremony for example a smart 1950’s theme or dress down for the beach?

Imagine the best day of your life, where would that be? On the beach, in a smart hotel, in your garden, in the club where you first met or another place that is very special to you?

Include those that you love in your ceremony? Get them singing, dancing or reading out their special wishes for you as you journey through life together? Perhaps include some traditions from your heritage, a whisky blending ceremony or your passions and interests e.g. pressing flowers from your garden, karaoke, line dancing……..

Have whatever you want, wherever you want.

One of the best ceremonies I have seen was disguised as a fancy dress 50th birthday party, the guests had no idea. It was wonderful.

As a celebrant I love a love story and to create and officiate ceremonies for people who are in love, want to commit to one another and declare this to those they love the most.

Is a commitment ceremony legally binding?

A commitment ceremony is not legally binding. Be sure to look at the pros and cons of this versus a legal marriage. If you choose a legal marriage you can still have a bespoke, unique and beautiful ceremony after a short visit to your registry office and include all of the wonderful elements of a celebrant led ceremony.

Can we have a commitment ceremony if one or both of us is still married?

Yes, life is complex, and this choice may not be the easiest but it’s your life, your choice and your commitment.

Can we exchange rings?

Absolutely, a commitment ring will take the place of a wedding ring. You could exchange alternative pieces of jewelry or something different entirely, for example registering a star, planting a tree, locks on a bridge or keys to your new home.

You may choose not to exchange anything and opt for a traditional unity ceremony like handfasting or jumping the broom stick. It’s your ceremony and the great thing about a celebrant led ceremony is that its always your ceremony your way.

Where can I have a commitment ceremony?

If you have permission from the property or landowner you can have your commitment ceremony just about anywhere you want. I heard of a couple who had theirs underwater as they are avid divers. Take into consideration your wedding guests, accessibility, affordability, weather, etc. As your celebrant I can help you with this.

How much do you charge for commitment ceremony?

My ceremonies are entirely bespoke. My fees start at £595 because every commitment ceremony is written from scratch, following a series of meetings where I get to know you both better, your love story, your commitment to one another and your desires for a dream ceremony.  Like anything that is tailor made a commitment ceremony designed especially for you will take time to create. Imagine being able to look back on the words that were spoken along with your photographs? I like to think of it as an investment in your future memories.

I would love to hear about your dream ceremony and offer a free consultation where I can explain how we could now work together to create that.

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